Jakarta, 14 Agustus 2009
Tinggal 5 hari lagi sebelum tanggal 19 Agustus 2009
Tanggal kepergian seorang teman yang sangat berharga seperti seorang kakak~
Aku duduk sendiri diruangan yang sudah lama menjadi kamarku ini...
Merenung sejenak untuk kesekian kali..
Mencoba mengerti..
Berharap dengan demikian..
Aku dapat menghadapi hal ini lebih kuat lagi..
Entah kapan bisa bertemu kembali~
Persahabatan ini mungkin tetap ada..
1 tahun
2 tahun
5 tahun
Bagaimana 10 tahun kedepan?
Semua sudah memiliki hidupnya sendiri~
Dengan kesederhanaan ikatan bernama "persahabatan"
Mungkinkah mengenalnya sampai selama-lamanya?
Aku tahu..
Perpisahan adalah salah satu proses kehidupan yang harus dilewati
Orang-orang yang kusayangi disekitarku..
Pasti aku pun harus berpisah dengan mereka suatu hari nanti..
Ingin sekali kukatakan..
Terimakasih atas semuanya..
Memori persahabatan yang pernah diberikan padaku...
Kurasa ini lebih dari cukup..
Hanya untuk seorang aku..
Aku senang..
Aku sedih..
Entah bagaimana mengekspresikannya dalam waktu yang bersamaan..
Ingin menangis..
Bahkan juga ingin tertawa..
Banyak hal yang harus dikatakan..
Tetapi tak mampu mengatakan satu pun sekarang..
Hal mengenai perpisahan memang selalu paling menyebalkan dihidupku
Aku benci perpisahan
Tapi inilah hidup..
Haizz... >.<
Sebenarnya ga mau mengakui
Pepatah yang ada berikut ini
"Friends come and go"
Walaupun jarak dan waktu menjadi halangan..
Kita tetap sahabat kan?
Rasanya waktu berjalan begitu cepat..
Sampai saatnya tanggal 19 Agustus 2009 nanti
Kuharap aku bisa mengucapkannya tanpa menangis~ hahaha~
"See you next time bro~ Take care and don't forget me yuph " ^___^
*always pray for his future and his life*
Notes 4 My Bro~ (notes lama tapi lupa di publish)
posted by
on Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009
Jakarta, 25th Oct 2009
Hari ini ngerayain ultahnya gabu~
Walaupun ultahnya gabu itu kmaren~
di sport mall kelapa gading
D'cost Seafood Restaurant~
Gue kesana nebeng dewe~
Berangkat jam 12 lewat~
Sampai sana jam 1 kurang lah ya~
Dah lengkap tuh anak2 nya~
seneng banget bisa ketemu mereka semua~
dah lama ga ngumpul semua kaya gitu~
Makan2 semua disana~
Sambil ngakak2 sakidh perudh gara2 pada gila2an ngelawaknya
Seru banget dehhh~
Kangen ama suasana kaya gini~ ^_^
Seneng banget
Yang jelas ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata2~
Disini bisa ketemu sekki, yo-chan, sora, jouya, susu, luciel, risa, enma, shinn, ayuzz, qyuqyu, adam, caca, skylite, nesia, ren, yudis...
Banyak lagi yang lain~
Seru~ ^_^
saiank ryoga ga disini~
Kalo dia ada disini~
mungkin makin seru~ ^___^
cepet2lah kau pulang~
temen2 disini dah pada nunggu~
miss u bro~
Thanks gabu untuk pesta ultah mu yang seru~
Slamet ulang taun yah ^___^
Hari ini ngerayain ultahnya gabu~
Walaupun ultahnya gabu itu kmaren~
di sport mall kelapa gading
D'cost Seafood Restaurant~
Gue kesana nebeng dewe~
Berangkat jam 12 lewat~
Sampai sana jam 1 kurang lah ya~
Dah lengkap tuh anak2 nya~
seneng banget bisa ketemu mereka semua~
dah lama ga ngumpul semua kaya gitu~
Makan2 semua disana~
Sambil ngakak2 sakidh perudh gara2 pada gila2an ngelawaknya
Seru banget dehhh~
Kangen ama suasana kaya gini~ ^_^
Seneng banget
Yang jelas ga bisa diungkapkan dengan kata2~
Disini bisa ketemu sekki, yo-chan, sora, jouya, susu, luciel, risa, enma, shinn, ayuzz, qyuqyu, adam, caca, skylite, nesia, ren, yudis...
Banyak lagi yang lain~
Seru~ ^_^
saiank ryoga ga disini~
Kalo dia ada disini~
mungkin makin seru~ ^___^
cepet2lah kau pulang~
temen2 disini dah pada nunggu~
miss u bro~
Thanks gabu untuk pesta ultah mu yang seru~
Slamet ulang taun yah ^___^

"Yes, My Lord"

Jakarta, 19th Oct 2009
@ My room~
Bisa gilaaaaa~
Gue keracunan KUROSHITSUJI~ OMG~!!!
Pertama kali gue tau ni anime~ dari cosplay~
Biasa2 aja~
Cuma naksir aja ama baju nya dan gue memutuskan untuk cosplay-in itu~
Tapi ternyata punya ternyata~
Sang kembaran alias cindy punya animenya~!!!!
Alhasil gue nntn juga~
gilaaaa ini aja gue dah kehabisan episode buat ditonton
Lagi nungguin cindy copyin lagi~
Gilaaaa sakaw nih gue @_@
Gimana gitu ya
Sebastiannya itu HOT banget~
Dia itu COWO Banget~
Mati lahh~
Kalo ada cowo kaya dia
Mimisan tiap hari gue~ @_@
Terlalu perfect~!
Mau deh gue jadi cielnya~ wkwkwkwk~
Sebastian sebastian sebastian
Ciel ciel ciel~
Perfect pairing~
Gue suka semuanya @_@
Kuroshitsuji mantebhhh
Kapan gue punya cowo kaya gitu
Selalu setia ada disamping gue
Jagain gue
Ga akan biarin gue terluka~
Selalu ada saat gue butuhin~
Bisa jadi baby sitter gue~
Berani berjuang dan ga takut mati~
Demi gue seorang~
dan perfect dalam melakukan segala hal~
Mungkin gue ga akan married ama sapa2~
Gue cuma mau married ama orang kaya sebastian~ wkakakakak
Buat dia gue rela deh ngurusin badan fitness diet sit up perawatan kulit meni pedi~
Ke salon mandi susu setiap hari, jadi vegetarian, les kepribadian~
Ooooo emmmm jiiiiii~~
Sebastian wa ore no gotsujin-sama~ wkakakakakakaka~

Alive?? Knowing about something isn't always good, but when we don't know anything, it is more than not good.
We live...
For what reason??
We're all Alone. From the begining we're all have nothing.
Together we remain until now. For something unpredicted. Something that nobodies know.
Is that something what we have to achieve? or a tragedy will we had? or we just live here for nothing?
Many reason, keep us living. Family, friends, our goal, and ourselves. Even we have to lie to ourselves.
We traveling the earth, a journey through times...
Trying to reach our goal in live to achieve something, as a prove that we are living in this world...
We follow with the flow of the world... we'll grow into something new..
We didn't know our future yet, there's no certainty in life.
Everything is not going like what have been planned.
Tragedies and miracles, unbelievable thing occurs upon our daily live...
Human always curious.. They always want to know about everything...
And above all of curiousity is the answer of "who created us, or, why we created, where did we come from??"
For now, it is something we called The Almighty God, the creator of everything and so called on.
But there's so many version of God, which one we should believe on?
Even though human keep on believing on them. But, do you ever ask yourself? Are they really exist?
This world is confusing. Not everything can be take by nowadays logic mind.
Logically people think that something like ghost is not exist. But they do believe in God?
Aren't they selfish for deciding like that? We have already seen so many phenomenon arround us.
Spiritual, Mystical and Occult things, there's so many things outside of our narrow mind.
Something that can not be accepted by your little tiny brain.
Could someone else around us give a logical explanation for it?
About Spirit? Ghost? or even God?
An embodiment, had occur all over the stories about god in this world.
A Blasphemy. Vivid. Something make you want to believe in it.
Human seeks a truth in God, they just doesn't have anything to rely on.
So they keep relying on god, as so far we believe in them.
Believe. It is a powerful thing. When we believe it exist, it will.
There's somebody, that keep remain here on search for the answer of life.
That people, keep come back alive, more than once, just to seek the truth.
But, like other people, it can be uncover... but, in search of truth, there's no word like surrender...
Somehow he realize, something precious for us...
And many realities about human... it just a little bit again for knowing the entire scenario of God...
But now... we just need to keep living... become as ourselves...
On his search, he found something, that he left for knowing the truth...
They are :
- Family, the one who give us warm of affection...
- Friendship, keep us living in happiness, friend that can be trust...
- Love, for the most important person in your live, that we keep dearest in our heart...
- and Himself... (mean : ourselves)
But, knowing all thing... there's no perfect life... happy family... everlasting friendship... eternal love...
There's no such thing like that exist... This world is just gone entirely to the wrong way...
Such as Love and Peace are not exist... Also for Freedom.. It just a fake freedom... not entirely free..
Faith? who can you really keep faith on? who do you really believe when you even not trust yourself..
Love? What are those? Just a single word saying and affection and in times it aging... like us..
Turn into dust of memories.. becoming one with the stream of circulation...
Nowadays we know, that evil conquering the world, even you don't want to admit it.. it just true..
People are such a rubbish, treating other people just like them... yes, indeed, rubbish...
Rape, Killing, Robbery, Abuse, Violance etc it just becoming daily things outside...
They done it without any single feeling of guilt...
Human getting to much confident... their ego growing up more and more until it feel gross...
They want everything..
They become over-proud of themselves, they believe that they are the best creature exist in this world..
They claim the earth as their planet.. They think they own everything in this planet...
They just going absurdly wrong...
Place them into a the highest place to see themselves falling down into deep down of abyss...
World in madness, it will return again into chaos, to once again.. repeat the tragedy... over and over..
A never ending stories... An Endless... But yet not eternal...
Now, when it comes into the one you all mentioned as The End of Time...
Just really think it... who will you depend on? will you pray? will you repent for your sins?
Or doing the opposite? Turn crazy, knowing that your life is gonna end soon?
We will see... With our very own eyes... The Day... But very once again... not the end of everything..
Believe. Power of everything. When you believe with 100% of your heart and brain on it. It will happen.
Brain Power is great. Even it still not been shown up in our eyes...
Just know this... our senses is a gifts that are the most amazing thing in this world.
We live until now giving all effort on everything... but again, just believe, that u not giving all on it...
Even a genius only use 15% max of their brain power on everthing on his/her entire life.
Not even until now, have reached out a new number of result further from that...
Will you ever witness this?
You may see them on the record of the past...
Written above by : Prophet of Disaster, Zealotous.
Any source and information will be found over 10.000 books.
Copied from Luciel Luciefer's note ^__^ Thanks 4 sharing good notes~ XD
For what reason??
We're all Alone. From the begining we're all have nothing.
Together we remain until now. For something unpredicted. Something that nobodies know.
Is that something what we have to achieve? or a tragedy will we had? or we just live here for nothing?
Many reason, keep us living. Family, friends, our goal, and ourselves. Even we have to lie to ourselves.
We traveling the earth, a journey through times...
Trying to reach our goal in live to achieve something, as a prove that we are living in this world...
We follow with the flow of the world... we'll grow into something new..
We didn't know our future yet, there's no certainty in life.
Everything is not going like what have been planned.
Tragedies and miracles, unbelievable thing occurs upon our daily live...
Human always curious.. They always want to know about everything...
And above all of curiousity is the answer of "who created us, or, why we created, where did we come from??"
For now, it is something we called The Almighty God, the creator of everything and so called on.
But there's so many version of God, which one we should believe on?
Even though human keep on believing on them. But, do you ever ask yourself? Are they really exist?
This world is confusing. Not everything can be take by nowadays logic mind.
Logically people think that something like ghost is not exist. But they do believe in God?
Aren't they selfish for deciding like that? We have already seen so many phenomenon arround us.
Spiritual, Mystical and Occult things, there's so many things outside of our narrow mind.
Something that can not be accepted by your little tiny brain.
Could someone else around us give a logical explanation for it?
About Spirit? Ghost? or even God?
An embodiment, had occur all over the stories about god in this world.
A Blasphemy. Vivid. Something make you want to believe in it.
Human seeks a truth in God, they just doesn't have anything to rely on.
So they keep relying on god, as so far we believe in them.
Believe. It is a powerful thing. When we believe it exist, it will.
There's somebody, that keep remain here on search for the answer of life.
That people, keep come back alive, more than once, just to seek the truth.
But, like other people, it can be uncover... but, in search of truth, there's no word like surrender...
Somehow he realize, something precious for us...
And many realities about human... it just a little bit again for knowing the entire scenario of God...
But now... we just need to keep living... become as ourselves...
On his search, he found something, that he left for knowing the truth...
They are :
- Family, the one who give us warm of affection...
- Friendship, keep us living in happiness, friend that can be trust...
- Love, for the most important person in your live, that we keep dearest in our heart...
- and Himself... (mean : ourselves)
But, knowing all thing... there's no perfect life... happy family... everlasting friendship... eternal love...
There's no such thing like that exist... This world is just gone entirely to the wrong way...
Such as Love and Peace are not exist... Also for Freedom.. It just a fake freedom... not entirely free..
Faith? who can you really keep faith on? who do you really believe when you even not trust yourself..
Love? What are those? Just a single word saying and affection and in times it aging... like us..
Turn into dust of memories.. becoming one with the stream of circulation...
Nowadays we know, that evil conquering the world, even you don't want to admit it.. it just true..
People are such a rubbish, treating other people just like them... yes, indeed, rubbish...
Rape, Killing, Robbery, Abuse, Violance etc it just becoming daily things outside...
They done it without any single feeling of guilt...
Human getting to much confident... their ego growing up more and more until it feel gross...
They want everything..
They become over-proud of themselves, they believe that they are the best creature exist in this world..
They claim the earth as their planet.. They think they own everything in this planet...
They just going absurdly wrong...
Place them into a the highest place to see themselves falling down into deep down of abyss...
World in madness, it will return again into chaos, to once again.. repeat the tragedy... over and over..
A never ending stories... An Endless... But yet not eternal...
Now, when it comes into the one you all mentioned as The End of Time...
Just really think it... who will you depend on? will you pray? will you repent for your sins?
Or doing the opposite? Turn crazy, knowing that your life is gonna end soon?
We will see... With our very own eyes... The Day... But very once again... not the end of everything..
Believe. Power of everything. When you believe with 100% of your heart and brain on it. It will happen.
Brain Power is great. Even it still not been shown up in our eyes...
Just know this... our senses is a gifts that are the most amazing thing in this world.
We live until now giving all effort on everything... but again, just believe, that u not giving all on it...
Even a genius only use 15% max of their brain power on everthing on his/her entire life.
Not even until now, have reached out a new number of result further from that...
Will you ever witness this?
You may see them on the record of the past...
Written above by : Prophet of Disaster, Zealotous.
Any source and information will be found over 10.000 books.
Copied from Luciel Luciefer's note ^__^ Thanks 4 sharing good notes~ XD
Hal bodoh
Jakarta, 14th Oct 2009
Hari ini gue ngeremove D lagi dari friends gue
Selama ini gue ga tau dia masih jadian ama si Bitch itu
Karena si Bitch itu gue block di fb gue
Jadi gue ga tau si D lagi in a relationship ama sapa
Setelah gue unblock dan ternyata
D is in a relationship ama bitch itu~
Rasa sakit hati gue semua keluar lagi
Padahal kejadiannya dah lumayan lama
Dan padahal
Biasanya gue ini ga mudah dendam
Tapi gue emank tau
Kalo gue dah dendam
Gue susah dan lama buat maafinnya
Bukan ga mungkin
Tapi sangat butuh waktu yang lama
Gue benci
Gue benci semuanya
Harusnya dari dulu gue ga usah add dia lagi
Buat apa?
Toh hanya bikin u ngerasain lagi sakit hati itu
Rasain sendiri~
Selama dia masih jadian ama bitch itu
Gue ga mau temenan ama dia
Ya emank keliatannya egois
Tapi gue ga mau sakitin diri gue
Dan gue juga ga mau sakitin dia dengan gue marah2 ama dia lagi
Enough waktu itu aja
Stop this unnecessary and silly things
Friendship isn't a joke
Gue emank dah bisa Forgive n Forget seperti yang u tanyakan pertama kali gue nge add lu lagi~
Tapi gue hanya bisa Forgive n Forget kesalahan u aja~
Tapi gue tetep ga bisa terima kehadiran bitch sial itu
Gue benci dia
Gue benci
Gue pun tahu
Ga seharusnya gue benci ama dia
Dan ga boleh benci sapapun
Tapi daftar orang2 yang gue benci emank kosong~
Cuma terisi ama dia
Gue ga bisa temenan ama u~
Sorry banget~
Gue ga tau ini gue yang bego
Gue yang menyebalkan
Ato gue yang terlalu dendaman
Tapi gue rasa gue ga dendaman
Karena gue jarang banget bisa mendendam~
Hari ini gue ngeremove D lagi dari friends gue
Selama ini gue ga tau dia masih jadian ama si Bitch itu
Karena si Bitch itu gue block di fb gue
Jadi gue ga tau si D lagi in a relationship ama sapa
Setelah gue unblock dan ternyata
D is in a relationship ama bitch itu~
Rasa sakit hati gue semua keluar lagi
Padahal kejadiannya dah lumayan lama
Dan padahal
Biasanya gue ini ga mudah dendam
Tapi gue emank tau
Kalo gue dah dendam
Gue susah dan lama buat maafinnya
Bukan ga mungkin
Tapi sangat butuh waktu yang lama
Gue benci
Gue benci semuanya
Harusnya dari dulu gue ga usah add dia lagi
Buat apa?
Toh hanya bikin u ngerasain lagi sakit hati itu
Rasain sendiri~
Selama dia masih jadian ama bitch itu
Gue ga mau temenan ama dia
Ya emank keliatannya egois
Tapi gue ga mau sakitin diri gue
Dan gue juga ga mau sakitin dia dengan gue marah2 ama dia lagi
Enough waktu itu aja
Stop this unnecessary and silly things
Friendship isn't a joke
Gue emank dah bisa Forgive n Forget seperti yang u tanyakan pertama kali gue nge add lu lagi~
Tapi gue hanya bisa Forgive n Forget kesalahan u aja~
Tapi gue tetep ga bisa terima kehadiran bitch sial itu
Gue benci dia
Gue benci
Gue pun tahu
Ga seharusnya gue benci ama dia
Dan ga boleh benci sapapun
Tapi daftar orang2 yang gue benci emank kosong~
Cuma terisi ama dia
Gue ga bisa temenan ama u~
Sorry banget~
Gue ga tau ini gue yang bego
Gue yang menyebalkan
Ato gue yang terlalu dendaman
Tapi gue rasa gue ga dendaman
Karena gue jarang banget bisa mendendam~
Jakarta. 11th Oct 2009
Adduuhhh ga ngerti deh hari ini kenapa gue tuh dong dong banget~
Gue ga bete~ tapi gue juga ga happy~
I'm not fine~ But I'm not in a problem or any kind of stress too~
I don't know what is happening to me or my mind~
Ga enak banget rasanya~!
Kaya ngambang, ga tentu arah~ Bingung~
Hari ini gue banyak banget bengong~
Ga jelas dan jadi lebih dudut dari biasanya~
Padahal ga ad apa2
Mungkin salah satunya karena dah lama ga cosplay kali~
Ga tau juga
Feels empty~
Sejak kapan gue begini?
Pdhal biasanya gue selalu rame dan ceria~
Berasa sepi banget hari ini
Berasa ga ada kesenangan lagi didunia ini~
Tapi ga berasa sedih juga
Apakah ini tanda2 gue mengalami mental disorder?
OMG jangan sampe deh~
Gue emang ga tau apa yang terjadi ama diri gue sendiri
Cuma berharap aja Tuhan bantu gue jalanin kehidupan gue sehari-hari
Apapun yang terjadi
Gue rasa gue bakal aman dijagaNya
Oiya untuk skrg2 kayanya gue ga mau bawa motor dulu~
@_@ seremmmmmm masa beberapa hari yang lalu ade kelas gue jatoh dari motor
Ampe tangannya patah dsb and masuk rumah sakit
>.< gila serem abis~ ==a
Aduuhhh bego kan gue~
Ga tau ah~
Serba salah sekarang~ >.<
Huff semoga atmosfer kaya gini cepet2 berakhir
Gue pengen banget merasakan atmosfer seperti dulu
Dimana gue bisa ketawa2 dan cheerfully do my craziness~
sama temen2 cosu~ sama temen2 skul juga~
Oiya ditambah~ Gue merasa gue makin jauh ama seseorang~
Ya emank sih secara fisik emank jauhhh banget~
Tapi sekarang berasanya secara physically gue juga ngerasa jauh ama dia
Sedih lah pastinya~
Dah gitu ada cewe yang menyebalkan~ @_@ huff
Koq kayanya hidup gue suram amat ya bulan okt ini~ @_@
Gue harap bakal bisa cepet2 berubah deh situasinya
Gue ga mau terjadi apa2 yang bikin gue tambah merasakan suram~ ==a
Adduuhhh ga ngerti deh hari ini kenapa gue tuh dong dong banget~
Gue ga bete~ tapi gue juga ga happy~
I'm not fine~ But I'm not in a problem or any kind of stress too~
I don't know what is happening to me or my mind~
Ga enak banget rasanya~!
Kaya ngambang, ga tentu arah~ Bingung~
Hari ini gue banyak banget bengong~
Ga jelas dan jadi lebih dudut dari biasanya~
Padahal ga ad apa2
Mungkin salah satunya karena dah lama ga cosplay kali~
Ga tau juga
Feels empty~
Sejak kapan gue begini?
Pdhal biasanya gue selalu rame dan ceria~
Berasa sepi banget hari ini
Berasa ga ada kesenangan lagi didunia ini~
Tapi ga berasa sedih juga
Apakah ini tanda2 gue mengalami mental disorder?
OMG jangan sampe deh~
Gue emang ga tau apa yang terjadi ama diri gue sendiri
Cuma berharap aja Tuhan bantu gue jalanin kehidupan gue sehari-hari
Apapun yang terjadi
Gue rasa gue bakal aman dijagaNya
Oiya untuk skrg2 kayanya gue ga mau bawa motor dulu~
@_@ seremmmmmm masa beberapa hari yang lalu ade kelas gue jatoh dari motor
Ampe tangannya patah dsb and masuk rumah sakit
>.< gila serem abis~ ==a
Aduuhhh bego kan gue~
Ga tau ah~
Serba salah sekarang~ >.<
Huff semoga atmosfer kaya gini cepet2 berakhir
Gue pengen banget merasakan atmosfer seperti dulu
Dimana gue bisa ketawa2 dan cheerfully do my craziness~
sama temen2 cosu~ sama temen2 skul juga~
Oiya ditambah~ Gue merasa gue makin jauh ama seseorang~
Ya emank sih secara fisik emank jauhhh banget~
Tapi sekarang berasanya secara physically gue juga ngerasa jauh ama dia
Sedih lah pastinya~
Dah gitu ada cewe yang menyebalkan~ @_@ huff
Koq kayanya hidup gue suram amat ya bulan okt ini~ @_@
Gue harap bakal bisa cepet2 berubah deh situasinya
Gue ga mau terjadi apa2 yang bikin gue tambah merasakan suram~ ==a
The twin.. Cindy and Veny..
posted by
on Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
Jakarta, 10th oct 09
Hr ini.. Cape bgt. Bgn jm 6 pagi coz ada pm. Trus jam 8 krg 15 brgkt. Tp dah ampe stgah jalan balik lg k hum gr2 lupa bw stnk ama sim.. Trus alhasil ampe skul teladh dkidh..
Pm nya sih lmyn seru c.. Ampe jm 12 gt
Trus g plg krmh bntr n lgsg cabut ke empo.. Mw mkn BK ama cindy.. OMG !! Ini hal2 yg plg g tggu.. Wkwkwk.. Senanknya g bs mkn BK lg. Thx so much cin.. Loph u full.. Dan hr ini kta janjian pke tas doraemon samaan..
Trus tau ga yg bkin g ngakak lg apa?
Masa pas g ama cindy beli roti di breadlife..
Mbanya ngmg
"ini mw dgabung az? Kalian kembar y?"
Omg bahkan org asing az blg kta kembar!! Jangan2 expectation kta bner lg! Klo semua org yg ga knal kta wkt di mall ato dmana2 ithu kira kta anak kembar!
Dengan ini uda 2 org yg blg g ama cindy kmbar. Stlah fandy anak kls 1.. Dan byk lg yg lainny yg blg g mirip ama cindy! Omg! Pipi g tembem donnkkkk!! XDD
But it's great.. If it's true that she's my twin. I will be glad.. A LOT!!
Nb : udah cin kl ada org lain lg yg nny kt kmbar ato ga. Blg aja iya! XD gmn2? Wkwkwk.. Beli bju yg sma brg yuk! XD cin jgn kul dijpg dunk... U ga kangen ama kembaran u ini?? T.T
G di empo cm ampe jm 2. *maaph cin ga bz lm2.. Next time jalan lg yuk..* ya jd g lnjt k gdg ama cc g n kk g.. Dan di gdg ktmu ama yo-chan.. Ah senankny.. XD
Dah lma ga ktmu kangen... T.T
G br plg dr gdg jam stgah 9ana mpe rmh.. Besok ada padus grja dr jam 7.. Yg brarti g hrs bgn jm stgah 6. Great. G CAPEK BERADH.. T.T tp hrs dtg! Semangat! ^^v
Hr ini.. Cape bgt. Bgn jm 6 pagi coz ada pm. Trus jam 8 krg 15 brgkt. Tp dah ampe stgah jalan balik lg k hum gr2 lupa bw stnk ama sim.. Trus alhasil ampe skul teladh dkidh..
Pm nya sih lmyn seru c.. Ampe jm 12 gt
Trus g plg krmh bntr n lgsg cabut ke empo.. Mw mkn BK ama cindy.. OMG !! Ini hal2 yg plg g tggu.. Wkwkwk.. Senanknya g bs mkn BK lg. Thx so much cin.. Loph u full.. Dan hr ini kta janjian pke tas doraemon samaan..
Trus tau ga yg bkin g ngakak lg apa?
Masa pas g ama cindy beli roti di breadlife..
Mbanya ngmg
"ini mw dgabung az? Kalian kembar y?"
Omg bahkan org asing az blg kta kembar!! Jangan2 expectation kta bner lg! Klo semua org yg ga knal kta wkt di mall ato dmana2 ithu kira kta anak kembar!
Dengan ini uda 2 org yg blg g ama cindy kmbar. Stlah fandy anak kls 1.. Dan byk lg yg lainny yg blg g mirip ama cindy! Omg! Pipi g tembem donnkkkk!! XDD
But it's great.. If it's true that she's my twin. I will be glad.. A LOT!!
Nb : udah cin kl ada org lain lg yg nny kt kmbar ato ga. Blg aja iya! XD gmn2? Wkwkwk.. Beli bju yg sma brg yuk! XD cin jgn kul dijpg dunk... U ga kangen ama kembaran u ini?? T.T
G di empo cm ampe jm 2. *maaph cin ga bz lm2.. Next time jalan lg yuk..* ya jd g lnjt k gdg ama cc g n kk g.. Dan di gdg ktmu ama yo-chan.. Ah senankny.. XD
Dah lma ga ktmu kangen... T.T
G br plg dr gdg jam stgah 9ana mpe rmh.. Besok ada padus grja dr jam 7.. Yg brarti g hrs bgn jm stgah 6. Great. G CAPEK BERADH.. T.T tp hrs dtg! Semangat! ^^v
Lho koq jadi dia???
Jakarta, 09th Oct 2009
Swt~ masa gue jadi digosipin ama dia??
Buseeeedddhhhh ga salah???
Gue sebel banget ama dia...
Ngeledekin orang si oke
Tapi masa ngeledekinnya didepan cewenya??
Gila aja itu mah namanya ngadu domba gue ama cewenya
Ga enak kali gue ama cewenya ==a
Lohhhhh tapi kenapa gue jadinya digosipin ama diaa??
Anak-anak kelas gue emank dah insane semua kali ya..
Cape gue~
Ga tau darimananya juga bisa diledekin gue ama dia
Mana ada cocok2nya sih~
Binun gue pikiran mereka gimana @_@
Swt~ masa gue jadi digosipin ama dia??
Buseeeedddhhhh ga salah???
Gue sebel banget ama dia...
Ngeledekin orang si oke
Tapi masa ngeledekinnya didepan cewenya??
Gila aja itu mah namanya ngadu domba gue ama cewenya
Ga enak kali gue ama cewenya ==a
Lohhhhh tapi kenapa gue jadinya digosipin ama diaa??
Anak-anak kelas gue emank dah insane semua kali ya..
Cape gue~
Ga tau darimananya juga bisa diledekin gue ama dia
Mana ada cocok2nya sih~
Binun gue pikiran mereka gimana @_@
B. E. G. O
posted by
on Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
Jakarta, 6 okt 2009 23:03
Haduh gila malem ini g nyezel senyezel2nya.. Knp c wkt ithu g ga dtg ke empo wkt ada shooting master mentalist!! G pgen bgt bz ktmu anak2 the mazter.. G pikir mrka cm sbntr dsana trnyt mrka ampe malem! Sial bgt sumpah.. U thu org paling bego tw ga ven. Bnci g ama diri g ndiri napa bego bgt c..
Slalu gt. Byk bgt kzempatan yg u sia2in trus.. Aaaaargghhhh... Nangis nih g..
G thu pgen bgt dan sumpah ngiler bgt mw ktmu ama para idola g.. T.T pgeeeeennnnn Tuhan.. Bantuin aq dunk kzi kzempatan kpn mrka shooting mazter mentalizt lg dan g bz dpt info nya dmana mrka shootingna.. Pliss pliss pliss pliss pliss pliss bgt sumpah.. Omg.. T.T ga tw gmn hrs ngmg btapa g sdih dan depresinya ==a satu kata ven bwt u.. Bego...
Haduh gila malem ini g nyezel senyezel2nya.. Knp c wkt ithu g ga dtg ke empo wkt ada shooting master mentalist!! G pgen bgt bz ktmu anak2 the mazter.. G pikir mrka cm sbntr dsana trnyt mrka ampe malem! Sial bgt sumpah.. U thu org paling bego tw ga ven. Bnci g ama diri g ndiri napa bego bgt c..
Slalu gt. Byk bgt kzempatan yg u sia2in trus.. Aaaaargghhhh... Nangis nih g..
G thu pgen bgt dan sumpah ngiler bgt mw ktmu ama para idola g.. T.T pgeeeeennnnn Tuhan.. Bantuin aq dunk kzi kzempatan kpn mrka shooting mazter mentalizt lg dan g bz dpt info nya dmana mrka shootingna.. Pliss pliss pliss pliss pliss pliss bgt sumpah.. Omg.. T.T ga tw gmn hrs ngmg btapa g sdih dan depresinya ==a satu kata ven bwt u.. Bego...