Recent Wishlist

Jakarta, 2nd July 2010

Ok.. I don't know why but i juzt wanna make a wizhlist..
Maybe bcoz recently so many wishes juzt popped out in my mind... So here to help me remembering them..

1. Blackberry Curve 8520 (Gemini)
I want it so bad bad bad bad.. T.T i think i can only wait for my fee to buy it.. It means, I can only get my bb in d end of july.. What a pity.. T.T

2.Laptop / new monitor
juzt in case for doing tasks in college later..

3.Sony Playstation Portable
it used to be sumthin I adore very much. But ever since i want my bb.. It juzt drop down to the 3rd rank. Wkwkwk..

Wish all of them could be mine soon.. T.T

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