Farewell Song??

Ten2Five - Love is You

This is how I feel
Whenever I'm with you
Everything is all about you
Too good to be true

Somehow I just can't believe
You can lay your eyes on me
If this is a fairytale
I wish it will end happily

Even though we are apart I can feel you here next to me
Here and now I will vow, stay with me

Let me love you
With all my heart
You are the one for me
You are the light in my soul
Let me hold you
With my arms
I wanna feel love again
I wanna feel love again
I wanna feel love again
And I know
Love is you

Gileee... Nih lagu~
Lagi2 ngena banget~
(makanya gue suka ama ten2five)
Dah gue post dipaling bawah blog ini~ kalo mau denger di play aja.. pasti naksir XDD
Jadi gini~
Gue lagi-lagi akan ditinggal seorang teman~
Dan inilah lagu yang menemani setiap detik gue nungguin hari yang sangat gue benci itu~

" This is how I feel
Whenever I'm with you
Everything is all about you
Too good to be true "

Kalo bagi gue~ Gue juga binun bisa kenal orang kaya dia~ XDD tapi kalo lagi ama dia and temen2 yang lain~ itu tuh udah lupa deh ama kesusahan2 gue~ Walaupun realita dari mimpi2 gue itu ga mungkin~ tapi kalo ama temen2 gue dan dia.. Semua itu kayanya mungkin~ XDD

" Somehow I just can't believe
You can lay your eyes on me
If this is a fairytale
I wish it will end happily "

Hwhwh~ ya.. kadang2 binun juga~ seperti yang tadi gue bilang~ gue bs kenal ama dia itu udah miracle banget~ dan itu dah bagaikan mimpi dan segala macemnya.. gue harap sih walaupun cuma mimpi~ atau dongeng semata.. gue bisa tetep temenan ama dia ampe slamanya~

" Even though we are apart I can feel you here next to me
Here and now I will vow, stay with me "

NAH.. ini part yang paling ngena~ Walaupun gue ama dia pisah~ Gue mau gue masih bisa contact ama dia.. Gue pengen banget bilang~ Stay with me~ tapi gue tahu sih itu ga mungkin~ cuma bisa merengek doank akan terwujudnya hal itu~ Bodoh..

" Let me love you
With all my heart
You are the one for me
You are the light in my soul
Let me hold you
With my arms "

Let me love you with all my heart~ Ga tau lah~ Nih ga bisa dideskripsikan~ Just feel it~ ^^

" I wanna feel love again
I wanna feel love again
I wanna feel love again
And I know
Love is you "

And I know.. Love is you my friend~ XDD Don't forget me yuph~ Thx dah ngasih gue memories yang berkesan tentang lo~ Good luck in all aspects in ur life~ *praying for you*

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